^^(( Watch Iksir (2014) Full Movies Streaming

Title : Desir
Year : 2011
Rating : Unrated
Runtime :
Release Dates : 2011-01-18
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Synopsis :
Inside Paris's Crazy Horse cabaret - the most famous nude dance show in the world. Acclaimed documentary filmmaker Frederick Wiseman explores one of the most mythic and colorful places dedicated to women, the Crazy Horse - a legendary Parisian cabaret club, founded in 1951 by Alain Bernardin. Over the years it has become the Parisian nightlife 'must' for visitors, ranking alongside the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. Wiseman's impeccable eye finds the Crazy Horse a uniquely French showcase, with an emphasis on elegance, perfectionism and a grueling schedule (2 shows a night and 3 on Saturdays, 7 days a week). The film shows us the rehearsals for and the unveiling of the brand new show - Desir - created by the renowned French choreographer Philippe Decouffle. -- (C) Zipporah Films

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